Black Class Action’s Complaint Within Canada’s Federal Public Service

The Canadian public service has been under scrutiny for its systemic racism against Black people. This is evidenced by the lack of representation of Black people in government positions, including hiring and promotion within the Federal Public Service (FPS). The Black Class Action Secretariat (the Secretariat), a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing systemic anti-Black racism in Canada, has submitted a complaint to the UN Commission for Human Rights Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. This complaint details the historical human rights violations Black employees face in Canada’s federal public service, contrary to the right to non-discrimination found in international conventions. The complaint highlights key recommendations and calls on the Canadian government to take responsibility for failing to address this issue, which dates back at least 50 years. The underrepresentation of Black people in the federal government workforce is a systemic issue. The hiring process needs to be reformed, and more support needs to be given to new hires from marginalized communities.


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Spotlight on our Five Trailblazing Startups that were at Collision!

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Black Innovation Zone at Collision 2024: A Recap

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