Help FBC Reach The Next Level

Whether it’s networking with community stakeholders, supporting Black businesses, empowering Black students for success, or advocating for the well-being of Black Canadians, your gift leaves a tremendous legacy.

The program has impacted my personal growth […] when I joined this program, I felt a sense of family. I talked and chatted with a lot of people. I even collected some of their contacts to stay in touch with them. SSLP has helped me come out of my shell and I can now interact with different people
Saskatchewan Cohort

SSLP 2023 alum

This program has helped me recognize the importance of community as well as my role as a black person. It was truly a blessing to be able to be a part of it. Thanks for blessing us with this opportunity!

SSLP 2023 alum

Making Impact Since 2017

We collaborate with partners and the community to launch projects under our pillars. Our annual Impact Reports showcase our achievements and progress towards creating sustainable change.


Supporting Black Canadians and allies.

Monthly Average Reach

We reach 62,000 people monthly across social media

Events since 2017

We have hosted over 30 events online and in-person


Working alongside our partners for social impact
At this time receipts are not tax-deductible as we are registered as a Non-For-Profit but with your continued support, we hope to grow to charitable status within the coming years. Your gift today supports our mission, sustainability and our growing capacity to support our community on a national level. Thank you.
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