AGM Recap

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December 15, 2023

The Federation of Black Canadians (FBC) recently held its Annual General Meeting (AGM), which saw an amazing turnout of over 70 attendees. Thank you all who attended, a recap of the AGM is bellow. The AGM was divided into three sections: Member/Community Engagement, Business Meeting, and Volunteer Recognition.

FBC Recap Video

Member and Community Engagement

The event kicked off with a brief overview of FBC. We are a national non-profit organization driven by Black organizations and individuals across the country. FBC aims to advance the social, economic, political, and cultural interests of Canadians of African descent. Our overarching mantra, “Stronger Together – Nothing about Us Without Us,” emphasizes the importance of unity in the fight against racial injustice and the creation of a better life for Black Canadians.

The focus areas of FBC are Economic Security, Total Health, Criminal Justice Reform, and Lifelong Education, through the lens of Community Building and Anti-Black Racism.

During the AGM, one of the highlights was a testimonial from Yasmine Elmi, a longtime volunteer, who spoke about her experience with the FBC and the value it brings.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you can visit to sign up.

A recap video showcased the various events and programs organized by FBC throughout the year. It demonstrated the impact and importance of our initiatives in supporting the Black community.

Business Portion of AGM

Robert Tyndale, the board chair, delivered an impassioned speech explaining why he joined FBC. He expressed his desire to be part of a larger community that extends beyond his local area in Edmonton, Alberta, and to engage and connect with like-minded individuals across the country. He emphasized the significance of the FBC’s role in advocating for Black Canadians at all levels, from government to local communities.

The business portion of the AGM was then formally opened by Tyndale, who handed over the floor to Executive Director Chris Thompson. Thompson highlighted the major programs of FBC, including the Black Entrepreneurship Program, Supports for Student Learning Program, Black Builders Network, and general membership. Notably, the Supports for Student Learning Program (SSLP) has supported 150 youth across five provinces and awarded hundreds of thousands of scholarships. To learn more about the FBC’s impact in 2022, you can refer to our impact report.

Motions that were passed at AGM

Next, a motion was passed to accept the Board Slate for 2023, which includes Andrew Defor, Hetty Larbi, Kezia-Grace Macbruce, and Analis Kasongo. Board members are elected to serve a minimum of 2 years, with the possibility of re-election for another 2 years. After that, they can be re-elected for a final 2-year term, totaling 6 years. All board members, both returning and new, were given the opportunity to share why they decided to work with the FBC.

Another important motion passed was the acceptance of Tino-Gaetani & Carusi Chartered Professional Accountants (TGCCPA) as the auditors for 2024.

2024 goals and opportunities

The AGM also served as a platform to discuss the FBC’s goals and opportunities for 2024, which include program and services sustainability (such as Supports For Student Learning (SSLP), Black Entrepreneurship Program (BEP), and Black Builders), justice arm engagement through the Canada Black Justice Strategy, donor engagement and unrestricted revenue advancement, government relations and public policy revamp, volunteer ecosystem development, and the Provincial and Regional Ambassador Program.

In recognition of his six years of service and dedication to the FBC, Robert Tyndale was congratulated for his contributions to the organization.

Volunteer recognition

The AGM continued with a segment dedicated to volunteer recognition, led by Faduma Weis, the Associate Programs Manager. Testimonials were shared by another of our volunteers, Joshua Anih:

We gave a special spotlight to 2 extraordinary volunteers who have been exceptional in their contributions to FBC and its cause. These 2 individuals were:  Yasmine Elmi and Divine Asemota. Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to our cause! There support has been integreal to the success of our organization.

If you are interested in getting involved and supporting the FBC, you can visit their website at for more information. Join the FBC in their mission to advance the interests of Canadians of African and Caribbean descent and combat racial injustice together.

If you’d like to support our cause by donating please visit our donations page:, every amount matters and is greatly appreciated!

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