FBC Partners with the PGI on Policing Literature Review Report

October 30, 2021


Addressing anti-Black racism and initiating criminal justice reform are two important pillars for the Federation of Black Canadians. Given the history of police brutality, Black communities have experienced and public calls to defund the police, we conducted a survey to hear from our members to inform the Federation on what their thoughts are on the topic to help inform the FBC’s next steps. Since the survey was completed in the summer of 2020 the Federation partnered with the Public Good Initiative (PGI) on a research project to address racism in Canada’s criminal justice system and seek new possibilities for our community members. The FBC and PGI have been collaborating to delve deeper into the topic of Defunding the Police and broader discussions on community-centered alternatives to policing.

The Public Good Initiative is a consulting organization led by students from the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. Through our project, we asked the questions: What policies and programs aid in the creation of safer communities? What alternatives can we advocate for to address crime and remedy community needs?

To answer these questions, our research team reviewed current literature on policing reform & abolition and social programs that better communities.

The final report allows for the beginning of a deeper discussion unmasking the history of policing in Canada, various approaches to policing (local, provincial, national, and internationally), and evidence around alternatives to current policing structures.

If you are interested in learning more about our Justice Reform Working group and possibly joining, email us at info@fbcfcn.ca.

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