On June 30th, FBC presented the Anti-Black racism toolkit at the National Black Canadians Summit in Halifax. This summit was a 3-day event held July 29th – 31st at the Halifax Convention Centre. The Summit’s workshops, roundtables, plenaries, discussions, information booths, and proceedings were aligned with the principal values of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024): Recognition, Justice, and Development. The event had over 1000 attendees which makes it one of the largest gatherings for Black Canadians. Through the national summit FBC was able to promote, showcase, and educate people from all over Canada on how to access and use the tool. FBC also welcomed feedback and invited people to share additional resources that FBC should consider adding to the web based tool. Walk through of the toolkit.
Meet Nina Barango: Black Entrepreneurship Program Grad & Black Builder
PluggedIn is the brainchild of Nina Barango, founder of SoPlugged, a platform that connects Black entrepreneurs in...