FBC also wrapped up its Barriers to Employment (WORBE) project in March 2022. This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Labour Funding Program – Workplace Opportunities. Through this project, we were able to host 3 national digital events engaging over 300 individuals, and have a social media reach of over 50, 000 through various platforms, and also created a digital toolkit with information, stats, best practices, and recommendations to employers. Our WORBE project brought together FBC, U of T, the Bridge, RBC Canada, and Wealth Simple. This project was able to bring employers together with the community to discuss issues, create recommendations for change, and connect people with recruiters, and potential mentors.
Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: How Your Support Helps Uplift Black Youth from Poverty
At the Federation of Black Canadians (FBC), we believe that every young person deserves a fair chance at success,...